Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Dad's Seiko Watch

My dad has always loved watches; probably because those that he loves & cares about love watches too.

It was sometime around Sep / Oct 2011 and a girl already purchased a watch as a birthday & 'sorry for watch being lost at her house' present for a birthday boy. But this was probably a watch that the birthday boy deemed too cheap. The girl had also brought the guy for an expensive dinner. And so he decided to ask the girl for a watch that was valued SGD$3000+. The girl tried to explain that the value of the watch was too high. And besides, she has never gotten for herself something so expensive before (property & car aside). But the boy insisted that he had partially paid for her bag - a bag which she was told to carry as it would bring about more class. They argued and it lasted for days... this was a memory the boy choose to give the girl on the very first birthday celebration they had together. Perhaps he had forgotten... he had dissapeared on her days ago & told a lie to cover up his whereabouts. And the boy knew... how stressed the girl was over her dad's stroke & medical expenses. All he cared in the world was the watch he so longed to have on his wrist. Eventually, the girl forgave the boy & the story of the watch was soon forgotten.

Today, the girl bought a SGD$120 watch for her father. And the father was beaming with joy & tears welled up in her eyes. This gift is so worth it & she would do anything in the world to continue to bring a smile only to those who are worth it.

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